Clean up Spills. Experience has shown that sometimes two wrongs can make a right though. Several of you have sent in the tip of using sawdust or wood shavings, mixing it with glue to make a putty, rather than buying a commercial putty. for those that mix sawdust and glue to make matching wood filler- - what glue do you use? However, some epoxy glues dry quick. I got tons of questions about my wood floor countertop after I shared my office post. Sawdust and glue mixture and application for wood repair. Mix and squish until you can no longer see the glue separately from the sawdust. In an otherwise attractive piece of wood, an unsightly split or crack can run deep like family turmoil. Wood-Filler Basics. How To Make Wood Filler From Sawdust. Related Posts. Even professional handyman do once in awhile suffer accidents. Use glue and sawdust to make a wood dough. How to Choose and Use Wood Filler. ... Make your own wood filler by mixing sawdust or sanding dust with carpenter's glue. The filler will match surrounding wood color. Titebond or white glue will work with some woods, but with others it turns the dust dark. How to make quick, easy and durable home made wood putty. About three years ago, I got tired of never being able to find the basic tools that I used the most. How To Make Wood Filler From Sawdust. I'm thinking either pva or wood glue. The recent Taco Bell 'meat' lawsuit raises questions about what Americans are actually consuming through some foods. Sometimes it's nail holes and sometimes it's rotten wood, but your projects will often require you to patch wood. How to make homemade wood filler that will make those little gaps and blemishes disappear. Woodworking tips. I've heard of the technique of mixing glue with sawdust for use as a filler. Virtually Invisible Wood Putty for Any Species of Wood - Free! Mixing sawdust from the wood youre working on with wood glue makes an ideal wood filler. A nice slurry of sawdust and glue Got lots of sawdust sitting around your shop? The other ingredient in a homemade sawdust wood filler is something to hold it together. Re: Wood Filler or Sawdust/Glue Mix My projects also seem to have a need for filling voids that should not be voids! To extend shelf life, keep the container sealed and stored at 55F-75F. 5. - how best to mix it? Squeeze a little carpenter's glue into the caldera (aren't we using fancy words?) So I made a guide to show you how to make hardwood flooring counters. I was taught to do that in high school shop but once I bought a can of wood putty I never mixed glue and dust again. Why would you ever want to make your own wood filler? I received an email from Adam Reed wondering if I had any suggestions for what to do with sawdust. Whether you burn it, compost it, or trash it, weve got some ideas on how to upcycle some of those shavings. The epoxy adheres better to the wood and will not be as prone to cracking and coming loose like wood filler. Here are some ways to put it to work Don't dump your sawdust! ... One of the most useful products for simple wood-repairs is a simple wood-filler. Glue How to Glue Felt to Wood: Do it in a simple way! Michael Dresdner: Hide glue works the best. It is in essence sealed by the adhesive. Wood glue, hide glue, and even epoxy glue. ... good wood filler if you apply the right proportions of sawdust and glue. Useful Tips On How To Glue Felt To Wood. Sawdust and glue used as a wood filler. Wood fiber mixed with adhesive and used as filler like this will not accept stain.